Tenant Habitability Plans: A THP is one of the most common “clearances” required to pull your final permit. The requirements for these THP’s aren’t too difficult, however the process is, at best, confusing. The Tenant Habitability Plan, is a document that informs your building tenants of the upcoming Soft Story work, the length of time the project will take, any service interruptions and general information about their rights, along with contact numbers for the Housing Department.
Many engineers and construction companies will only take your plans to the proverbial goal line then let you handle the rest. Great. Your plans are now, PC Complete or PC approved per, ladbs.org but how do you get your permit? All building permits come with a clearance sheet. If you’re lucky, you’ll only need to clear HOUSING. Sometimes however, you draw the short straw and you’re stuck with 2 or 3 different clearance requirements, from 2 or 3 different departments. Wait, it gets even better…
Only once your engineered plans are actually “PC Approved” the THP process and other clearance process’ can begin. HOUSING will not accept any THP’s until your plans are complete and approved by the 8th floor (soft story division).
Requirements for the Tenant Habitability Plan include, building information. ie. year built, number of units, APN#, legal contact of management/owner. You will also require the tenant “Rent Roll” that includes, tenant name, phone number, current rent and date of last increase. Once this information is organized and entered, it takes Housing about 3-5 days to approve the forms. Once approved by Housing, the notices can be delivered to the tenants. Once all the THP’s have been delivered, a Declaration of Service needs to be signed and dated. Housing will then clear your permit. Simple.
It’s a bit of a circus, but the good news is, Cal-Quake can take all the guess work out. We offer free, full Housing service (with a signed construction contract) But we also offer full permit services independent of your chosen engineer or contractor. We will do all the heavy lifting making this part of the process seamless. If you have your own contractor or engineer, who cannot complete the clearance or permit process, Cal-Quake will do it for you. We are permit specialists and THP experts.
THP’s are one of many clearances you may require. It’s certainly
the most common. Other clearances may include, CRA, HPOZ, MTA and OSHA. All these can certainly add a hiccup to your
plans, so make sure to give us a call if you need help.
818-693 2031 or 323-931-2969